Monday 9 January 2017

Is Print Readers Declining? A Survey of Indian Online Newspaper Readers

An online study was conducted among 3,183 online newspaper readers of India. The study reveals that majority of the online news consumers(90 percent) were still reading printed newspapers. It was found that online newspapers have not much affected the print newspaper circulation. But print has start losing young readers. 

media displacement open access journals
As per the study 18 percent of 15-20 age group, 12 percent of 20-30 age group and 8 percent of 30-40 age group readers have reduced their interest to read print newspapers, they prefer to read online newspapers. The displacement effect of online media is very low. The older generation above 50 years read both the media equally, while 3 percent readers of 40-50 age groups have reduced use of print newspaper. 

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