Friday 20 January 2017

Evaluation of Quality Protein Maize (Zea mays L) Hybrids at Jimma, Western-Ethiopia

Maize is an important food crop in Ethiopia. But its nutritional quality is poor as its seed protein is devoid of two essential amino acids (lysine and tryptophan). The objective of the present study was to evaluate the performance of Quality Protein Maize (QPM) hybrids developed by CIMMYT. Forty three QPM hybrids and 2 checks were tested using 5X9 alpha lattice design with two replications. Data were subjected to ANOVA using SAS version 9.2. 

international journal of physiotherapy impact factor
The ANOVA revealed very highly significant differences among the genotypes (p<0.001), for 50% tasseling, ear height, plant count and grain yield. High phenotypic variances were observed for ear height, number of rows/ear, number of grains/row and grain yield. The phenotypic coefficient of variation and genotypic coefficient of variation were high for ear height, plant count, number of rows/ear, number of grains/row and grain yield. The maximum (0.91) and minimum (0.23) broad sense heritability’s were recorded for number of rows/ear and days to 50% tasseling respectively.

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Violence and the Illicit Drug Market: Before During and After Disasters

This paper examines violence and underlying contexts and social processes that occurred among drug users/ dealers before, during and after major disasters: Hurricanes Gustav and Ike. A Stages paradigm is used to study violence during this time. Daily lives, conduct norms and behavior patterns associated with violence are illustrated. 

sociology journals
At each stage of the hurricanes, people drew heavily upon what they previously learned about behaving in stressful situations. Study Background: Data for this paper comes from a National Institutes of Health research titled “Stages of Drug Market Disruption and Reformulation in Disaster Cities.” Hurricanes Gustav and Ike in September 2008 provided an opportunity to document the impacts of multiple instances of violence stemming from the illicit drug market in Houston, New Orleans, and Galveston.

Thursday 12 January 2017

Gandhi and Tagore: A Critical Analysis

History is full with the great personalities, who can never be forgotten as they had contributed a lot in their life period. Among them are Gandhi and Tagore, who made a great contribution in world history. Both of them are born in last quarter of the nineteenth century. Tagore in 1861 and Gandhi in 1869 and lived up to the India got independence from the colonial rule. 

social science journal articles
Gandhi and Tagore were so famous that their mutual friend Andrews once argued Tagore as modern, while as Gandhi is the St. Francis of Assisi. While as John Haynes Holmes compared Gandhi and Tagore as Erasmus and Luther (the poet’s anxiety). Although both of them were close friends of each other throughout their lives, but there was difference in their intellectual understanding. Besides these differences their friendship remains entirely unbroken.

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Challenges of Protecting Intellectual Property Rights Related to Pokémon Go

intellectual property rights journals impact factor
Virtual games indeed ruled the year 2016 and Poke mongo in particular dominated every walk of life throughout the year as the fever to catch poke mongo went viral throughout the places where the game was introduced selectively. Although its live and interactive involvement of participants was appreciated for the its novelty, courts that enforces laws at regional, global and local level are worried that the existing laws cannot safeguard the intellectual property rights of the game as the existing laws are unable to protect it. The study suggests the need for revision of IP laws in this regard.

Monday 9 January 2017

Is Print Readers Declining? A Survey of Indian Online Newspaper Readers

An online study was conducted among 3,183 online newspaper readers of India. The study reveals that majority of the online news consumers(90 percent) were still reading printed newspapers. It was found that online newspapers have not much affected the print newspaper circulation. But print has start losing young readers. 

media displacement open access journals
As per the study 18 percent of 15-20 age group, 12 percent of 20-30 age group and 8 percent of 30-40 age group readers have reduced their interest to read print newspapers, they prefer to read online newspapers. The displacement effect of online media is very low. The older generation above 50 years read both the media equally, while 3 percent readers of 40-50 age groups have reduced use of print newspaper. 

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Terrorism, Human Rights and Ethics: A Modelling Approach

journal of ethics and social philosophy

This paper applies ethical analysis techniques, including multi-loop adaptive learning and virtue ethics, to the analysis of both state and private terrorism. It also discusses the use of the fear of terrorism as a control mechanism by the state, the ways in which this fear can be encouraged, including by the media, and used to scapegoat minority groups to divert attention from government policies. A number of feedback models are presented to illustrate the relationships between terrorist acts, fear of terrorism, vested interests and scapegoating.

Monday 2 January 2017

Benchmarking the World’s Leading Pension Funds: How Fares the Government Service Insurance System of the Philippines

This practical research looks into the application by the government service insurance System (GSIS) of the Philippines of responsible investment strategies espoused in the delivery of social security benefits by the leading public pension funds in the world.

public administration journal articles
Two of these, namely the ABP (Stichting Pensioenfonds) of The Netherlands and the California public employees’ retirement system (CalPERS) of the USA, are in focus here. This study was undertaken to highlight the performance of the GSIS Pension Fund as a business case and to evaluate the sustainability of the GSIS fund management practices vis-à-vis responsible investment strategies that have been espoused by the leading pension funds of the world.