Tuesday 21 March 2017

Lanchester Law, Shock and Awe Strategies

The American military was introduced to, and has mastered Decision Theory and the Theory of Games under a mathematical oriented Secretary of Defense: William Perry. One particular aspect is the application of the theory developed by the English engineer Frederick Lanchester. His theory is based on the study of air battles in the First World War. It was applied in the two “Shock and Awe” campaigns against Iraq, even though initially meant to be used against the Warsaw Pact nations during the Cold War; in which its efficacy was spectacularly demonstrated.

defense management journal
The strategy is worthy of investigation as it is being adopted by the USA’s world competitors which is leading to new multi-players Game Theory configurationxs, rather than a single player situation, as can beob served in new theaters such as the Syrian conflict. The application of the theory can be expanded from defense applications to business, sports, politics and other socio-economic realms such as, dare-we-say, survival entertainment TV shows.

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