Monday 24 April 2017

The Motto behind the Tattoo

journal of anthropology impact factor
Why do people on the earth inject Ink on their skin? What is the motto behind the tattoos? Traditionally, tattoos were meant to demarcate people of lower social structure across the cultures. In the modern times,tattoos have emerged above the class, gender and social structures and people, particularly youngsters across continents are expressing their identities through tattooing. Factors ranging from art, individuality, spirituality, memories to affection, fashion, scar hiding, idealizing someone and social media are encouraging people to turn to tattoos.

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Project Management in Defense - not for the Feint Hearted

Defense projects are complex. They are delivered against rigorous requirements, inevitable time constraints and constrained budgets. Moreover, they comprise not only the Equipment outputs that generally make the headlines – the weapon, the vehicle, the helicopter, the jet, and the ship – but also the coordination of other crucial aspects that collectively make up the capability.

journal of defense management impact factor
In the UK, these are referred to as the ‘defence lines of development’ (DLODs) and comprise: Training, People,Infrastructure, Doctrine, Information and Logistics – hence the ‘TEPIDOIL’ acronym for military capability. Each and every one of these elements is essential for the successful delivery of a complete capability solution.

Monday 17 April 2017

Domestic Resources Mobilization’ to Meet the Developmental Challenges of Ethiopia

arts and social sciences journal impact factor
Nations in the African continent are worst affected by drought and famine and depends heavily on foreign aid for meeting the hunger and poverty. In recent years, there is a steady decline in the foreign aid and the nations are forced to evolve alternative strategies.Ethiopia is one of the poorest African nations in terms of per capita income and GDP growth has initiated a novel project called ‘Domestic Resources Mobilization’. This project identified the rich water sources within the country and tried to mobilize them to the areas where it is mostly needed. Ethiopia could meet its agricultural and domestic needs and could meet its nutritional needs against declining foreign aid.

Monday 10 April 2017

Manifesto on an Interdisciplinary Reflection about Autopsy and Human Remains

This paper reports the potential of matrix assisted laser desorption ionization quadrupole-time-of-flight (MALDI-Q-TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) for the analysis of lipids of dairy interest, i.e., glycerophospholipids (Phosphatidylcholine, Phosphatidylethanolamine, Phosphatidylinositol), sphingolipids (Sphingomyelin) and glycerolipids (Triacylglycerols, Diacylglycerols), respectively. The matrix used was 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHB), together with cationizing agents such as sodium and lithium salt that enhanced fragmentation of most lipid classes. 

journal of anthropology impact factor
The alkaline adducts obtained helped to define in a fast way the polar head groups of different glycerophospholipid classes and provided information about the constituent fatty acid residues. Moreover, information about the position (sn-1, and -2) of the fatty acid residue on the glycerol backbone was obtained. Besides, lithium ion adducts appeared to be the most informative for the structural characterization of glycerophospholipids, glycerolipids and sphingolipids. The present approach proved then to be a convenient, fast and informative way for lipid analysis.

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Re-conceptualizing Mass Communication as Engagement: The Influence of Social Media

In a summit at the U.S. Institute of Peace in September, 2011 policymakers and social media experts identified several issues surrounding the evolving role of social media in political contexts including: the challenge of understanding social media because there is simply too much data; the difficulty of effectively interpreting information communicated in social media platforms; the reality that social media is reshaping human language; the struggle with balancing the veracity of social media as a vehicle of public opinion with the anonymity and risk of false information communicated; 

journal of mass communication and society
the potential corporate influence in the dominant social media platforms; and the application of social media in both peace and conflict situations. While analyses of social media’s influence in politics have been emerging since the 2008 election of Barack Obama in the United States and underscored by the Arab Spring in 2010 where collective action was not only enabled by social media, but the world was ableto watch citizens of some of the most restrictive regimes demand their voicesbe heard; we have not yet adequately addressed social media’s influence on mass communication and journalism research and analysis. For the last decade there has been a growing community of ‘new communication technology’ researchers and analysts

Monday 3 April 2017

Treatment of Urinary Incontinence in Women: A Challenge between Conservative and Surgical Therapy

Urinary incontinence (UI) is a socially embarrassing condition, causing withdrawal from social situations and reduced quality of life. This withdrawal from regular physical activities may be a threat to women’s general health predisposing to osteoporosis, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, depression and anxiety. 

socialomics journal
UI is defined by the International Continence Society as a condition in which involuntary loss of urine is a social or hygienic problem and is objectively demonstrable. UI is more common in women than in men and affects women of all ages. Prevalence rate in women between 15 and 64 years of age vary from 10% to 30% which increases with age. The prevalence of UI is significantly higher for individuals living in nursing homes, compared to community settings, with rates ranging from 43% to 77%.