Thursday 18 May 2017

Observations on Change

Observations by outsiders can be informative, provocative, and sometimes even helpful. I write this essay as an outsider observer to Mass Communication and Journalism from the relative safety of my Organizational Communication academic enclave and ask how you are reacting to three readily apparent (from my vantage point) crises.

What are the three crises? First, the Mass Communication and Journalism fields are losing full-time paid positions hand over fist. For instance, the decline of traditional revenue sources is leading to staff reductions in newsrooms, budgets are ever tighter, and lower salaries will prevail in the future. In corporation’s worldwide, engineers as well as accountants, web designers, and human resource professionals with internet savvy are taking over Information Officer, Communication Specialist, and Public Relations positions. Second, the future of much of the world’s news information will be generated by those untrained in your fields.

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