Tuesday 30 May 2017

Profiling of High Risk Profiles of Clients in Order to Prevent Money Laundering and Terrorism

Money laundering is not only a process that is associated with the functioning of criminal organizations, but it is an indicator of their success. Moreover,money laundering, providing a steady stream of capital that allows criminal organizations to buy protection through the corruption of government officials and members of law enforcement. 

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How it makes money laundering attractive target for law enforcement agencies, even more criminal organizations are becoming more energetic and bring even more innovations in the provision of transformation of their illegal initiatives into usable assets. The result is that money laundering is one of the most important links between the criminal world and the legitimate society. Money laundering is one of the ways in which criminal organizations wish to penetrate into the legal economy and often involve seemingly respectable members of society (bankers, lawyers, etc.). Admission of money laundering to flourish undisturbed will have corrosive impact on the integrity of financial institutions.

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