Thursday 15 September 2016

Benefits of Outdoor Pursuits: From a Health Perspective

The term Recreation is derived from a Latin word “re-career” means the way of recharging or regenerating of self while Health is the quality of life to livelong and serve best throughout the life suture. The study explains the sports ideology especially in respect of wholesome health. 

Outdoor Pursuits
The information collected will provide guidance to the development of policy in the areas of health, sport, education, transport and the environment all of which have important roles to play in getting Pakistanis’ people and children more active more often. The study aimed at that freely possessed natural spaces are an ideal tohuman sustenance and that Parks and outdoor recreation spots are exhale of thecommunity and summit is product. A reliable likert scale of 10 items with 5 choices has been used for responses on benefits of outdoor pursuits, on health perspective was constructed.

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