Tuesday 13 September 2016

Some Selected Solutions for Ukraine

The humankind needs unification to face the challenges of global overpopulation and gender shifts in a most humane way. Great projects can be planned and accomplished only if people trust each other. Ukraine canbecome a testing ground for international trust and cooperation. Accordingly, the following solutions for the current conflict can be proposed. For the Crimea: international administration under the guidance of the USA and the UK, in view of their constructive and humane action in Iraq. 

Solutions for Ukraine

Note that on the contrary to Grozny there was almost no destruction of residential buildings in Baghdad (observations May-July 2003), although military operations both in Iraq and Chechnya were, in the author’s opinion, unavoidable. Five years later, a referendum would be held in the Crimea, where three possibilities would be proposed to the citizens: unification with Russia or Ukraine, or independencewith optional membership in the British Commonwealth. For Lugansk and Donetsk: Russo- Ukrainian condominium with an obligatory cooperation between both administrations in the interests of the residents, on the basis of the principles of mutual trust and benevolence.

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