Monday 10 October 2016

Dynamics of Culture and Health: Perceived Behavioural Control and Differences in Smoking Behavior between Arab and Jewish Cardiac Patients in Israel

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are still the leading cause of death in many western countries even though major advances in treatment have contributed to higher rates of surviving cardiac events. It is also evidentthat not all segments of society benefit from the major advances and disparities in CVD rates persist between the majority and ethnic minorities.

Culture and Health
In order to prevent recurrent cardiovascular events, patients are advised to gradually resume their regular life routines while also changing lifestyle habits that are major risk factors for CVD. Smoking (tobaccoaddiction) is the most significant of the modifiable cardiovascular riskfactors; thus smoking cessation is considered a high priority in the management of patients with cardiovascular disease. However, most patients find it difficult to adhere to smoking cessation. Again, Non-adherence to recommended cardiac rehabilitative and preventive actions is particularly higher in patients from minority groups.

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