Thursday 27 October 2016

Hardships Children face in the United States of America by Having a Parent in Prison: How to Help Them! A Program Proposal

This research intends to discover how youth are impacted by having one or both parents incarcerated; and identify consequential outcomes youth incur, in their attempt to cope with parental separation. Perusing this issue, may reveal that as a parent walks into prison, their children simultaneously walk into a revolving door of multiple dilemmas linked to psychological challenges, behavioral difficulties, and emotional/ cognitive issues. 

Children face with parents in prison
Researchers have revealed that children who have a parent in prison are linked to many negative outcomes unfortunately. This highlights the importance of the ripple effect of having an incarcerated parent. Strategies and approaches to creating a network of effective support and amelioration services, to aid this population of youth, cannot be determined without first having this knowledge as part of the needs assessment.

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