Friday 7 October 2016

Health Management Information System (HMIS); who’s Data is it Anyway? Contextual Challenges

In 1997 the Ministry of Health instituted the national HMIS in response to global and national call for greater accountability and results-based management. The goal being to provide timely reliable healthinformation that would inform decision making in the sector to aid provision ofbetter health care services to the people of Uganda. However, there are already concerns about the functionality of the system characterized by late and inadequate reporting. 

Health Management Information System
The purpose of this paper was to make a critical analysis of the contextual challenges to HMIS and propose a framework that would improve the collection of timely reliable data at all levels in the system. Aftercritical analysis of the existing literature, reports and presentation atvarious MOH workshops and review meeting, and interactive informal talks with some personnel at the Ministry, this paper asserts that failure to use HMIS data, poor culture of accountability, lack of incentives for performance, strategic planning and vertical programs-HIV/AIDS are the strategic contextual challenges to this menace.

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