Monday 31 July 2017

Does the Destructive Leader Behavior Deter the Individual’s work related Attitude?

military medicine impact factor
Several research studies have emphasized the role of destructive leadership on the performance of the employees and organization at large. None of these studies however were based on the military forces. A rare study on the destructive leader behavior on the individual’s work- related attitude and feelings among the Norwegian armed forces reveals that despite frequent daunting and destructive behaviour of the leader the individuals in the armed forces could withstand their determination and honor their commitments. The study focused mainly on three important elements viz, Burnout, (2) Work Engagement, and (3) Organizational Commitment. Though burnout is an ordinary phenomenon, the members could meet their commitments.

Wednesday 26 July 2017

Dental Caries: A Problem of low Socioeconomic Background and Our Responsibility for Helping change the Situation

dental impact factor
In recent years, in many industrialized countries, dental caries has been a controlled disease, especially because of the widespread use of fluoridated toothpastes by their population. On the other hand, dental erosion has increased among children as well as adults, and many researchers are aware of this problem, since several articles have been published concerning this dental pathology in comparison to the early 70’s, when little was published about dental erosion in the literature. The erosive process starts on enamel with partial demineralization of the surface which results in a decrease in hardness (surface softening). The responsible acids stem from intrinsic (such as eating disorders or gastric reflux) or extrinsic sources. One important extrinsic factor in erosive tooth wear is the high consumption of acidic drinks and food.

Wednesday 19 July 2017

An Empirical Assessment of the operational efficiency of electronic banking: Evidence of Nigerian banks

This study assessed the operational efficiency of electronic banking in Nigeria with a focus on the twenty-one Commercial banks listed on the Nigerian stock exchange at the end of year 2010. It examined the practice of e-banking since its inception in Nigeria in order to determine the significance of its relationship with improvement in core banking operations. Secondary data were used for this study.

online banking journal
Correlation technique as well as simple percentage were used to analyzed the data, and the student’s t-distribution was used to test the hypotheses. The study revealed that the practice of e-banking in Nigeria is significantly related to increased operational efficiency of Nigerian banks, though the security problem was found to exist. Based on these findings, the researchers recommend among others that government through CBN should provide adequate security measures towards the various e-banking products in Nigeria.

Monday 17 July 2017

Legal reporting in Forensic odontology

forensic odontology impact factor
Examination of teeth in many ways forms a unique part of human body as they are most durable and resilient part of the skeleton. The science dealing with establishing identity of a person by teeth is popularly known as Forensic Odontology or Forensic Dentistry. Dental professionals have a major role to play in keeping accurate dental records and providing all necessary information so that legal authorities may recognize malpractice, negligence, fraud or abuse, and identity of unknown individuals. Apart from the documentation provided by the International Organization for Forensic Odontostomatology, there is a paucity of literature available pertaining to the guidelines of an ideal and legal forensic odontology reporting. This limitation of the literature prompted the author to offer some more elaboration to the current guidelines, which can be easily adopted by forensic odontologists.

Wednesday 12 July 2017

Rethinking the “Buy-Side”: Shifting the Governance Focus Back to Institutional Investors

civil engineering peer reviewed journals
The regulatory responses in the major financial markets to the global financial crisis have largely followed the predictable path of focusing on the “sell-side” of securitisation bonds and other complex financial products. The investment banks and other promoters of these products have been subjected – in common with regulatory responses to previous financial crises – to an increased regulatory burden as to how they conduct their business. Less attention, however, has been paid to the extent to which institutional investors might bear some degree of responsibility for the losses suffered by them when allocating funds under management to complex financial products.

Monday 10 July 2017

The Scope of Application of Fair Trial Rights in Criminal Matters-Comparing ICCPR with Chinese Law

critical arts impact factor
The definition of “criminal charge” determines the scope of application of fair trial rights. In definition of “criminal charge”, the way of autonomous interpretation is adopted in order to avoid the national authorities evading the obligations of guaranteeing fair trial rights. China has a considerable number of administrative sanctions that may belong to “criminal” category. The preliminary investigation before the initiation of criminal proceedings in China amounts to “charge”. When ratifying ICCPR, China should make reservations concerning applying fair trial rights in correction of illegal conducts through education and other serious administrative sanctions, and reform the preliminary investigation system and case filing system to make the preliminary investigation be the sign of initiation of criminal proceedings.

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Dominating the War Marketplace: A Case for Expanded Strategic Education in the US Army Acquisition Officer Corps

This article argues for expanding the Army Acquisition Corps’ traditional Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) focus of graduate education programs for its junior field grade and senior company grade officers to include National Security, and Strategic Studies programs.

journal of defense management impact factor
Implementing this change will increase the acquisition corps’ intellectual capital to manage the evolving assumptions about future wars and adversaries inherent in the Army’s 30 year modernization strategy. Currently Army acquisition branch limits the scope of graduate programs for Army Acquisition Officers to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) graduate programs. While the latter programs are vital to the mission of the acquisition corps, expanding the educational scope to include Strategic and National Security graduate programs will grow a segment of junior acquisition officers that make cost, schedule and performance decisions with a more intimate understanding of increasingly complex strategic security environment.

Monday 3 July 2017

Assess the advantages and disadvantages of Wild and Cultured Fish

anthropology journals online free
Socio economic circumstances divide the fishing as natural and cultured occupation. While the naturally available fishes in the water bodies are termed as ‘wild fish’, fishes cultivated under the controlled atmosphere are called ‘Cultured’ fishes. While the wild fishes emphasizes good taste, and highly nutritious for the human body. However, human intervention contaminates the nature, leading to pollution. Cultured fish is processed one, farmed for the import and export purposes. Commercial and economic purposes determine the quality of the fish here, which is termed as hygienic and nutritious. While the wild fish is closely associated with social activities, cultured fish is in the hands of commercial elements and highlights the economic aspects of fish farming.