Friday 31 March 2017

Evaluation of Quality Protein Maize (Zea mays L) Hybrids at Jimma, Western-Ethiopia

Maize is an important food crop in Ethiopia. But its nutritional quality is poor as its seed protein is devoid of two essentialamino acids (lysine and tryptophan). The objective of the present study was to evaluate the performance of Quality Protein Maize (QPM) hybrids developed by CIMMYT. 

journal of forensic sciences
Forty three QPM hybrids and 2 checks were tested using 5X9 alpha lattice design with two replications. Data were subjected to ANOVA using SAS version 9.2. The ANOVA revealed very highly significant differences among the geno types(p<0.001), for 50% tasseling, ear height, plant count and grain yield. High phenotypic variances were observed for ear height, number of rows/ear, number of grains/row and grain yield. 

Thursday 30 March 2017

Analysis of Customer Expectations of Services Compensation Strategy Using Fuzzy Hierarchical Analysis Approach (AHP) (Case Study: Customers of Health Insurance Organization in Tehran - Iran)

This study aimed to identify constitutes anthropomorphism in health insurance organization in Tehran, Iran. Service failure is inevitable and serves as an important factor in the loss of customers. Its inevitability requires that companies offering such services seek to identify the expectations and demands of the customers for the occurred failure in order for appropriate measures to be taken so as to prevent the loss of customers. 

economic journal articles
The present study has purposeful application and is a descriptive analytical survey in the nature and method conducted in 2015. A simple random sampling method was used. Data collection was performed using 394 questionnaires. Content validity and reliability of the questionnaires was approved by professionals (using Cronbach’s alpha 0.85). In the current study, AHP was adopted by a fuzzy approach and data analysis was performed using Expert Choice software.

Wednesday 29 March 2017

The Limits of State Power in a Democratic Society

The coding is not only the expression of the political will of the law maker, it firstly is a complex juridical technique for the choosing and systematization of the normative content necessary and adequate to certain social, political, economic, institutional realities. Since Constitution is a law, yet it nevertheless distinguishes itself from the law, the problem is to establish which juridical norms it contains. 

civil and legal sciences journal
The solving of this problem needs to consider the specific of the fundamental law and also of the requirements of the coding theory. The determining with all scientific stringency of the normative content of the Constitution is indispensable both for the removal of any inaccuracy in delimiting the differences from the law, for the stability and predictability of the fundamental law and last, but not the least, for the reality and effectiveness of its supremacy.

Friday 24 March 2017

Challenges of the Informal Job Sector in India: Needs Government Intervention

social sciences impact factor
Indian economy is very vivid and diversified that agriculture, cottage industries, handicrafts and large scale industries co-exist, While the formal sector enjoys huge benefits including the government recognition, secured pay scales, leaves and other employment benefits, informal sector consisting individual and small scale operations suffer from multiple challenges including job insecurity, social insecurity, instability, migration, child labour, and exploitation of working women. As the informal sector remained as a employment for many, government of India must initiate programmes to streamline this sector in order to provide job security and the other employment benfits.

Wednesday 22 March 2017

The Developments of the Competition Law in Macedonia (2014 until Today)

This article discusses the developments in the competition law of Republic of Macedonia with regard to the developments in the area of antitrust, abuse of dominant positions, concentrations, and state aid. The discussion is primarily focused in the legislative framework of the developments as well as in the relevant case law during the time period 2011-2015. 

journal of intellectual property rights impact factor
In this article, an effort will be made to provide a general overview of some of the most important cases. In addition, this article will also to a certain extent discuss the progress made in the area of State aid. Last but not least, having in mind that competition law is also relevant area of reform required for the EU accession of R.M., the annual “progress reports” issued by the EU Commission regarding R.M. dealing with competition will be also addressed in this article.

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Lanchester Law, Shock and Awe Strategies

The American military was introduced to, and has mastered Decision Theory and the Theory of Games under a mathematical oriented Secretary of Defense: William Perry. One particular aspect is the application of the theory developed by the English engineer Frederick Lanchester. His theory is based on the study of air battles in the First World War. It was applied in the two “Shock and Awe” campaigns against Iraq, even though initially meant to be used against the Warsaw Pact nations during the Cold War; in which its efficacy was spectacularly demonstrated.

defense management journal
The strategy is worthy of investigation as it is being adopted by the USA’s world competitors which is leading to new multi-players Game Theory configurationxs, rather than a single player situation, as can beob served in new theaters such as the Syrian conflict. The application of the theory can be expanded from defense applications to business, sports, politics and other socio-economic realms such as, dare-we-say, survival entertainment TV shows.

Monday 20 March 2017

Narratives and Healing: Implications for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

While narrative has become increasingly important in the humanities, social sciences and medicine and psychotherapy, it is medical anthropology that has predominantly focused on the role of narrative in healing and how individual narratives reflect overarching cultural themes.

psychotherapy journal
Collecting narratives is part of the everyday work of medical Anthropologists. As part of fieldwork they typically spend at least a year living in another community asking people about their families, their religion, their understanding of the Cosmos, politics, social roles and various other aspects of their lives. The ethnographic accounts are then published using narrative as an analytic tool to support arguments.

Launer points out how sociology and ethnography see psychiatry among the medical specialities as peculiarly culture bound and occupying the uncomfortable no man’s land between conventional medical science and the search for meaning. 

Thursday 16 March 2017

Dromoscopy and Philosophy

Dromology originates from the Greek word dromos. Hence, dromology is the science of the ride, the journey, the drive, the way. This means that speed and riches are totally linked concepts. And that the history of the world is not only about the political economy of riches, that is, wealth, money, capital, but also about the political economy of speed. Virilio’s texts deal with the impact of speed, disaster and accident on the contemporary world. 

dromoscopy journal
Vehicles of speed create new dromospheric chronology, new tracks and nodal points (ports, roads, airports, telecommunications etc.) through which things, goods, money, weapons, people or information will start flowing within a different structure. The result is a victory of the new logistics of perception, new dromoscopy. Indirect inner light of screens is our second sun. The text analyses Virilio’s proposition that technical apparatus came into play employing active wave optics and the speed of indirect light, which contributed to the emergence dromoscopic order of vision, which completely transformed the existing logistics of perception of reality.

Wednesday 15 March 2017

The Case for Morality Religious Higher Education as Academia

Higher Education is Globalization and Integration-but is it? Stern Warning: This article is highly “Politically Incorrect” and proud of it. An oft-spoken historian’s rule is that the Hebrew Bible did not and could not have contributed anything significant to the rise of modern ideas and institutions. Quite the opposite, it is claimed by some to have been a hindrance. 

social sciences open access journal
The ‘faith’ is drawn from Marx, that religion is the opiate of the masses-and who wants to be ‘masses’?! It is always more chic to be ‘liberal’and ‘secular’ and anti-religion. And, if one can ‘get away’ with it, to be anti-religion while proudly declaring a state of utter ignorance about the subject. We probably all know of a certain biologist who makes a point of searing anti-religion statements while expressing pride in total ignorance of the subject.a

Thursday 9 March 2017

Screening Methods for Monitoring the Radionuclides Contamination in Biological Materials and Live Animals

The presence of areas contaminated by anthropogenic radionuclides, such as 137Cs, requires the prompt analysis of a large number of samples. A sanitary intervention, together with traditional surveillance systems, are fundamental to detect and interrupt the transmission of radionuclides into the food chain throughout either the direct human consumption of contaminated vegetables or the indirect human intake through the animal feeding. Moreover, an increase in the radioisotopes bioavailability is likely to be observed over one or two links in the food chain.

defense management review
To prompt and simplify the analysis process, the authors propose an initial preliminary radioactivity measurement by using either screening methods on the cow milk, such as the Liquid Scintilation (LSC), or radio-chemical gamma counters on muscles, blood cells or other animal tissues. The choice of cow milk as main indicator is justified by its simplicity in being sampled and analized, as well as by the widespread distribution of dairy herds (i.e. sheep, goats and cattle) over the territory in light of a better veterinary supervision on food of animal origin. 

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Protecting Chemical Plants against Terrorist Attacks: A Review

journal of socialomics
Protection of hazardous establishments such as chemical plants intentional incidents has drawn attention from safety and security experts since 9/11 terrorist attacks in the U.S. Although major steps have been taken since, the recent intentional incidents in two chemical plants in France in June and July 2015 revealed the vulnerbaility and attractiveness of chemical plants as potential targets for terrorist groups. Furthermore, the terrorist attcks in Paris in November 2015 have again raised the awareness of potential terrorist acts in chemical plants. The present work is aimed at performing a brief statistical review of current regulations and previous attempts in order to highlight the importance of security improvements in chemical plants with regard to terrorist attacks.

Friday 3 March 2017

Cultural Implications of Western Soft Drink advertisement’s on the youth of Lahore, Pakistan

mass communication journals international
Cultural imperialism is domination of an alien culture on natives and western cultural imperialism is spreading rapidly through the cultural art forms like music, advertisements, TV soaps and films exert immense pressure on the non-native citizens that consume them The study that probed the cultural imperialism as a result of getting exposed to the western soft drink advertisements like Co-Co Cola and Pepsi on the young college goers of Lahore, Pakistan reveals that the youngsters are attracted towards such cultural stuff and tried to imitate them as they considered it more advanced and civilized.

Thursday 2 March 2017

The Refugee Crisis - A Challenge for Europe and the World

Since 2010, the European Union (EU) had to deal mainly with the debt crisis in some of its member states, especially in Greece. The European leaders concentrated their energy on keeping Greece in the euro as the German chancellor Angela Merkel pointed out: “If the euro fails, Europe fails”. In order to avoid this scenario, many aid programs were adopted to give Greece a chance to recover. 

journal of civil and legal sciences
In 2015 and probably in 2016, Europe is again under pressure and it looks like that the new challenge is a larger risk for the future of the EU than the debt crisis ever was. I am talking about the recent refugee crisis and the difficulty to find common and durable solutions. This crisis is a result mainly of the Syrian civil war and the outbreak of armed conflicts or deterioration of on-going ones, among others, in Afghanistan, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mali, Somalia, South Sudan, and Ukraine.