Wednesday 17 August 2016

Border Crossings in a Multicultural Classroom: Science among the Indigenous Learners

This study delved into the “journey” of the Ati as they traverse from their own way of explaining nature, their indigenous way of life, to a multicultural classroom, where science is taught more systematically. 

This study employed the qualitative research design, where the stories exemplify the dilemmas encountered by the Ati and how this indigenous knowledge can reconcile with what science taught in school. Furthermore, it provided a documentation and analysis of the ethnography of the Ati community, at the context of the school where the subjects of the study are enrolled, the Magayon School. 
Border Crossings in a Multicultural Classroom

Using the memory-banking technique, the researcher identified the indigenous experiences of the subjects. Concepts were then identified through memory-banking and concept-mapping. Through observation and interviews, it was then identified where these indigenous science concepts were applied.Read More....

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