Thursday 11 August 2016

Study of Skeletal Remains

The present study examines a case in which signs of incised wounds were found on skeletal remains of a murder victim. The authors have studied the skeletal remains and the dynamics of the murder in order to reconstruct the kind of weapon utilized. 

The bones examined belonged to a woman that had disappeared from almost 10 years and where recovered from the garden of the house belonging to her former partner. The main feature of these remains was the discovery of a damage of a thoracic vertebra (T1).

Skeletal Remains

When the object of forensic investigation is constituted by skeletal remains, obtaining information is more difficult because of the absence of soft tissues. The source of information is represented by bones only. Certainly there are some missing tiles that can't be regained: many lesions or trauma that involves soft tissues don’t involve bones and this is why the pathologist is the only one that can suggest the cause of death. 

The most important information is obtained by the study of lesions, and what kind of object caused it. A forensic anthropologist can state that there are some potentially fatal lesions. Yet, without soft tissues, it is not possible to gain certainty about the presence of other lesions, not involving bones that could have caused the death.Read More....

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