Tuesday 16 August 2016

Impact of Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) on Bangladeshs Foreign Trade

Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) was finalized on October 05, 2015 among 12 member states to promote economic growth, job creation, innovation, productivity, competitiveness, and living standards, reduce poverty, transparency, good governance, labor and environmental protection among the member states etc. 

Potential Benefits of TPPA
1. TPPA could offer comprehensive market access for the member states. It will eliminate or reduces tariff and non-tariff barriers across substantially all trade in goods and services and covers the full spectrum of trade, including goods and services trade and investment.

2. This agreement will facilitates the development of production and supply chains, and seamless trade, enhancing efficiency and supporting their goal of creating and supporting jobs, raising living standards, enhancing conservation efforts, and facilitating cross-border integration, as well as opening domestic markets.

Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement

3. TPPA will promote innovation, productivity, and competitiveness by addressing new issues, including the development of the digital economy, and the role of state-owned enterprises in the global economy.

4. It includes new elements that seek to ensure that economies at all levels of development and businesses of all sizes can benefit from trade. It includes commitments to help small- and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs)

5. It also includes specific commitments on development and trade capacity building, to ensure that all Parties are able to meet the commitments in the Agreement and take full advantage of its benefits. It could be a platform for regional economic integration of the member states.

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