Monday 31 October 2016

Fit falls in the Chinese Anti-corruption Policies

Chinese Anti-Corruption

Chinese economists are opposing the government’s   views related to corruption and economic growth of the country. The communist party of china has launched a massive anti-corruption campaign in order to eradicate corruption at various levels of the economic system. To further explain this framework. It suggests the government to follow the mixed oligopoly economic approach. This approach would not blndlylet the governments to subsidize of the state owned enterprises at the cost of private sectors growth so that the economic growth would not be hauled down.

Thursday 27 October 2016

Hardships Children face in the United States of America by Having a Parent in Prison: How to Help Them! A Program Proposal

This research intends to discover how youth are impacted by having one or both parents incarcerated; and identify consequential outcomes youth incur, in their attempt to cope with parental separation. Perusing this issue, may reveal that as a parent walks into prison, their children simultaneously walk into a revolving door of multiple dilemmas linked to psychological challenges, behavioral difficulties, and emotional/ cognitive issues. 

Children face with parents in prison
Researchers have revealed that children who have a parent in prison are linked to many negative outcomes unfortunately. This highlights the importance of the ripple effect of having an incarcerated parent. Strategies and approaches to creating a network of effective support and amelioration services, to aid this population of youth, cannot be determined without first having this knowledge as part of the needs assessment.

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Regulatory Exclusivities or Non-patent exclusivities

Non-patent exclusivities
Pharmaceutical development is an expensive, time consuming and uncertain process that takes years to complete. Often, patent protection expires before a new drug is approved for marketing. As a result, most pharmaceutical companies in the United States and European Union (EU) depend on the exclusivity rights granted under the U.S. Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FDCA), and the corresponding EU authorities to recoup their considerable investment in the drug development and approval process. Therefore, pharmaceutical companies must understand and employ the different forms of nonpatent exclusivity in both the U.S. and EU in order to succeed in the global marketplace.

The Process of development of a pharmaceutical is time taking, costly and uncertain. The long-time duration of the process may result in expiry of the patent term before the marketing of the product. To overcome this difficulty the United States and European Union (EU) have advised the concept of exclusivities which help in recovering the investment that was made in the process? The product can be marketed during the period of exclusivity without any competition from its generic form.

Monday 24 October 2016

Authentic Design of Online Mathematics Assessment on Senior High Math Course

Rapid technological developments of this decade requires lecturers to pack an interesting learning for students with ICT based, one concrete manifestation of creativity by lecturer is made the form of online math assessment. From the results of the survey in the Kopert is VI Central Java region, there are still some colleges still use conventional ratings in high school math courses. The main reason is the high school math courses is a subject which is very important for students to be understood in theory and practice in preparation to become teachers in secondary schools. 

Online Mathematics Assessment
The purpose of this study is to produce products such as online math assessment for high school math courses that is valid or feasible to be used in all of mathematics education program in Central Java, which can produce human resources that is intelligent, creative, innovative and able to compete in the 21st century. Research method used in this study is Borg and Gall development model that is in practice only to the stage of Develop preliminary form of product Phase to produce valid product by experts. This stage is expert validation by four lecturers namely two lecturers of subject matter experts and two media expert lecturers from University PGRI of Semarang and Semarang State University.

Friday 21 October 2016

Is there any impact of Financial Compensation on Job Satisfaction of Higher Secondary Level teachers? Find it out.

Teachers Financial Compensation

Money and financial benefits is important tool for enhancing organizational performance and sustained competitiveness because the key element for employment relationship and the single greatest operating cost for much organization is compensation. The payment for the work through which employees support their family and money is considered as the reward which is given to employees against work. 

The condition of satisfaction and dissatisfaction of employees depends on their salary because it is organizational responsibility to provide suitable financial rewards like salary to their employees because it has strong influence on employee motivation and retention. All compensation factors include in employee pay and people do effort because they want some rewards in the term of money or promotion which was explained through expectancy theory. 

Thursday 20 October 2016

Had online newspaper reading affected print newspaper reading?

Print Readers Declining

Ninety percent of online news consumers are still reading printed newspapers and the online newspapers has very less effect on print newspaper circulation may be due to their popup ads. However young readers are favouring online newspapers, around 18% of 15-20 age and 12% of 20-30 age group populations prefer to read online newspapers.

Monday 17 October 2016

Teaching Leadership and its Prime Magnification

The expensive term “Leadership” is always having the best societal luminosity, which is absolutely purposeful and futuristic as well to enrich our booming society already. Education is one of the unequivocal mediums to measure the worthy range of academic depth and opulence which might affect our benevolent students in a broader platform. Teachers are the ultimate leader of education to detect the elite educational capacity and prevent the same for constructing the massive future of a student in deed.

Teaching Leadership
E-It is enrichment. Any successful teacher does aim for enriching the career of his/her students. It is the best key for them to walk upon a very productive avenue to project the acquired learning and that shall be minutely assessed for them to be occupationally settled in the near future.

D-It is dedication. Without this nobody can have the destined success at all. So teachers do inspire students to enhance the level of dedication to concentrate hard upon study and it is really conducive for them to cope up more knowledge within a very short while.

Friday 14 October 2016

Evolution of Decision Making Processes in Command during Irregular Warfare Operations

Stability operations and irregular war are increasingly complex and continually changing constructs which are no longer served by the traditional processes of the western military forces. This essay examines the significant work that has been carried out in recent years in an effort to develop new problem framing constructs that hope to offer the commander processes for utilizing and manipulating complex adaptive systems. 

Irregular Warfare Operations
What is becoming apparent is that the process of developing frameworks will not be of value to the military commander unless these frameworks can be embedded in the decision making process at an instinctive and experiential level. For the past 5 years the technical cooperation programme (TTCP) has been operating with the objective of harnessing complexity within the defense arena. The introduction of unknown risks associated with the incomplete and shifting information, and continuous readjustments due to the multi cell structure of irregular warfare would create significant base level noise in an adaptive system framework. 

Thursday 13 October 2016

Cultural Nationalism in India

The concept of Nationalism is linked to the idea of sovereignty and hence; it has to be associated to the principle of self-determination. In the 19th century, John Stuart Mill argued that nationalist movements were dependent on ethnicity, language and culture. These were the basis of the demand for statehood. While this stood true for most nationalistic movements, Hurst Hanum of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy remarked that in this era, the notion of self-determination was used by groups to divide rather than unify territory. The disintegration of the Ottoman Empire can be used as an example.

Cultural Nationalism
It was at the peak of colonialism in the mid-19th century that the colonised world witnessed the rise in nationalistic sentiments with the emphasis on the idea of a common language, religion, ethnicity etc. While the western idea of nationalism aims to set up a uni-nation, uni-culture dictum, nationalism operates on different principles in a multi-national, pluralist context (for the purpose of this paper, the term pluralist and multi-nationalist will be used interchangeably). Nationalism had a dual role to play in the last century through the many nationalistic upheavals leading to decolonization of most of Latin America, Africa and Asia. 

Wednesday 12 October 2016

A Comparitive Study on Politics in Sathyajith Ray’s Films-Appu Triology, Mahanagar, Jana Aranya, Charulatha and Pathirdwani

The politics in the films of Satyajith Ray has not been much examined. There are many legends of Indian film making; Satyajith has yet not being recognised as a political film maker. Comparing with the film of RithwikGhatak and Mrinal Sen which are politically highly influential, Sathyajith Rayhimself claims he is never a political film maker. But when we closely examine his films, we could read out a close relationship with Indian politics in his films. 

Politics in Sathyajith Ray’s Films-Appu Triology
He was an Indian Bengali filmmaker, wildly regarded as the one of the great filmmaker in 20th century. Ray was born in the city of Culcutta in to a Bengali family prominent in the world of arts and literature. Starting his career as a commercial artist, Ray was drown in to independent film making after meeting French filmmaker Jean Renoir and viewing Vittorio De Sica’s Italian neorealistfilm Bicycle Thieves. During a visit to London, Ray directed 36 film including feature film documentaries and short. He was also fiction writer, publisher, illustrator, calligraphy, music composer, graphic designer and film critic. He authored several short stories and novels primarily. Aimed at fictional characters created by him, he was an honorary degree by Oxford University.

Monday 10 October 2016

Dynamics of Culture and Health: Perceived Behavioural Control and Differences in Smoking Behavior between Arab and Jewish Cardiac Patients in Israel

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are still the leading cause of death in many western countries even though major advances in treatment have contributed to higher rates of surviving cardiac events. It is also evidentthat not all segments of society benefit from the major advances and disparities in CVD rates persist between the majority and ethnic minorities.

Culture and Health
In order to prevent recurrent cardiovascular events, patients are advised to gradually resume their regular life routines while also changing lifestyle habits that are major risk factors for CVD. Smoking (tobaccoaddiction) is the most significant of the modifiable cardiovascular riskfactors; thus smoking cessation is considered a high priority in the management of patients with cardiovascular disease. However, most patients find it difficult to adhere to smoking cessation. Again, Non-adherence to recommended cardiac rehabilitative and preventive actions is particularly higher in patients from minority groups.

Friday 7 October 2016

Health Management Information System (HMIS); who’s Data is it Anyway? Contextual Challenges

In 1997 the Ministry of Health instituted the national HMIS in response to global and national call for greater accountability and results-based management. The goal being to provide timely reliable healthinformation that would inform decision making in the sector to aid provision ofbetter health care services to the people of Uganda. However, there are already concerns about the functionality of the system characterized by late and inadequate reporting. 

Health Management Information System
The purpose of this paper was to make a critical analysis of the contextual challenges to HMIS and propose a framework that would improve the collection of timely reliable data at all levels in the system. Aftercritical analysis of the existing literature, reports and presentation atvarious MOH workshops and review meeting, and interactive informal talks with some personnel at the Ministry, this paper asserts that failure to use HMIS data, poor culture of accountability, lack of incentives for performance, strategic planning and vertical programs-HIV/AIDS are the strategic contextual challenges to this menace.

Thursday 6 October 2016

Insightful Details on How Everything Developed From Nothing

In order to provide true knowledge, explanatory concepts in the social realm must be consistent with scientific observations on the micro-level substances that underlie the reality of the beings whose interactions social theories seek to explain. As a result, there is a need insocial research for a unified theory of the basic physics of social beings thatinvolves the nature of being itself. As pointed out by Omnes, a unified, consistent theory of being that reflects the reality of quantum physics is very important in ontology and philosophy in general.

However, deep philosophical issues relating to whether social beings represent mere illusions and whether perceptions of such beings are detailed symbolic categorizations of the nature of existence or rough generalizations of the true state of everything are important in all. A major contribution to ensuring such consistency has beenprovided by Leuten , who, using a very diverse cross-section of scientific evidence stemming from over a thousand interdisciplinary sources, explained how everything is composed of various combinations of divided nothingness that evolved from nothing.